576 424 photos of houses and buildings in Russian Federation.

last update 2025/03/28 143

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Екатеринбург, Хрустальная, 37
В 2012 году в нашем доме по адресу ул. Хрустальная, 37 появился магазин Магнит. Перед открытием в магазине шесть месяцев шли ремонтные работы (причем круглосуточно). Уже тогда наша жизнь в собственной квартире стала невыносимой из-за шума и грохота. В 2013 году, после очередной реконструкции магазина, у нас в квартирах поползли стены, осыпалась штукатурка и т.д. Потом магазин в нарушение всех законодательных норм установил под жилыми квартирами промышленное холодильное оборудование, которое вообще запрещено устанавливать. А ещё под окнами жилых квартир ежедневно производится разгрузка продукции, что тоже является нарушением всех норм. Грохот от катания тележек приводит к вибрации полов, мебели и дребезжанию окон. Машины, которые приезжают разгружаться, ездят по тротуару и перегораживают пешеходную зону. Ходить с детьми и колясками рядом с магазином Магнит стало просто опасно.
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герб Novosibirsk


Фотографии многоквартирных домов, общественных и административных зданий и достопримечательностей

About Novosibirsk

Population: 1548 ths
Founded: 1893
Pictures of buildings
(houses): 10624

Novosibirsk is a largest scientific, cultural, industrial, transport, shopping and business center of Siberia, as well as Russia as a whole.

Novosibirsk is the regional center of Novosibirsk region and also an administrative center of Siberian federal district.

With 1 473 730 inhabitants, Novosibirsk ranks third most populous city in Russia (after Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Novosibirsk agglomeration is the seventh in size in the country. The satellite towns of Novosibirsk are: Berdsk, Ob, Iskitim, Koltsovo and Krasnoobsk.

Novosibirsk boasts a large number of sights. For example, a cathedral of Alexander Nevsky which is one of the first stone constructions in the city. It was built in 1899 in the Neo-Byzantine style. The cathedral has been raised as a memorial temple to Emperor Alexander the Third. In Soviet period they made efforts three times to explode the cathedral. These efforts, fortunately, haven't been crowned with success. Now the cathedral is restored, and divine services are celebrated here.

One more sight of the city is Novosibirsk state museum of local lore. The building, the museum located in, is of great value by itself as it’s an architectural monument of federal significance built in 1911. The museum was founded in 1920. One of its most popular exhibits is a skeleton of a mammoth found near one of villages of Novosibirsk region.

The hundred-apartment house located at the Krasny Ave, 16, is also an architectural monument of federal importance. It was constructed in 1937. At the same time the project of the house was awarded the diploma of the 1st degree, a gold medal and a Grand Prix at the International exhibition of arts and equipment in Paris. Interestingly, real number of flats in the house is 110, not 100. By the way, this house is considered and now as one of the most prestigious in the city. This is the unique building which doesn't have analogues in the world.

Except architectural, Novosibirsk has also and other sights. For example, the Novosibirsk metro bridge (which length more than 2 km), which is the longest metro bridge in the world. Also there is the only in Russia a museum of Sun in the city. There is also well-known Novosibirsk zoo located in the territory of pine forest. Here ligers (offspring of a tigress and lion) were born in 2004.

Photos of Novosibirsk

Information about dwelling houses, buildings and sights of the city and its pictures

Streets of Novosibirsk

Your location: Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk